Beautiful Blog
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As I travel across the country I’ve witnessed thousands upon thousands of animals (mostly cows) being raised to feed the beef demand in our country and around the world. We’ve taken small local animal farming from something that was sustainable an…
What I consistently experience when I travel the world is the kindness of people. The simple gestures of humanity that people extend to one another. I only know this experience as a fairly attractive youngish white woman in her 30s, so I speak fro…
I enjoyed this post by Donald Miller. I’ve been drawn lately to understand more about Jesus and try to not judge how far away the Christian church and people have strayed from wh…
Fear – It will creep up when you least expect it. It’s a very useful feeling but one that you have to dive into understand versus heeding to its every whim. Fear crept up on me today and is still lingering about a bit although I’m not giving it to…