I’m still kicking

Yes I still exist, but have been pulled away from blog writing. I realize that blogging consistently is just not me, however I do like to write up life every once and awhile. 

Hmm, two months. I mean what can I say, a lot has happened. My folks came out for two weeks and we had a great time traveling over to Montana to Glacier National park and hanging out around Moscow. I really enjoy having them around and wish that we could hang out more often. For anyone practicing contiuning self-awareness and ego recognition, just hang out with your family for a bit to see it at work. 
The summer has gone by fast and I’ve done very little camping and boating. I’m not sure where all my weekends have gone, but I have been busy with a very special someone. We live a good distance apart and weekends about every two weeks are when we can spend time getting to know one another without 250 miles between us.
Time seems to fly and I’m not sure where it all goes. I’m having a hard time getting things accomplished in my free hours. I swear I don’t know what I’d do with kids, my poor dogs get neglected more than I’d like. 
I’m stuck for anything rich to say. I’m not great at recaping time that has past. I’d much rather describe an event and experience I’ve just gone through. Guess I need to blog more to do that huh ;)
Well, I’ll just say that life is wonderful. It’s filled with change and challenge two things that fill me up and help me grow. I don’t know what’s next, but I know it’ll be great. You just have to believe it to be so. 
“Fear nothing and embrace change”
~a. williams

Published by Keli Keach

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