I want to help elevate people’s lives by understanding their past lives and souls purpose. I want to do this work with the help of guides. I want to help children. Help their parents guide them and encourage them. I feel Ainslie MacLeod is my guide. I’ve never met him or heard of him until today. I saw a link on a facebook page from someone else I just added a few days ago. He is speaking tonight about his book at a bookshop. I am going to go. My work will have to do with reicarnation and children. Just like my first insight that day. I am not going to worry about how I will work with guides, it will come when I am ready. I am going to start manifesting my perfect job which includes me being an intuitive. I am psychic. I am a healer.I write this as acceptance. My body and mind already wants to pull away and build barriers. I’m cancelling them out.
Sitting in a coffee shop (El Diablo in Queen Anne) while the sun falls on my face.