Love Flare

Love Flare

Image above: Veil of Love – How God sees us and wants us to see each other. Perfect love.

I may have mentioned it before but if not I’m taking part of a self-portrait project for a year. Each week there is a new theme hosted by NowYouWorkshops. I have loved taking pictures my whole life, but I’ve never been great at getting in front of the camera. As a commitment to myself and to the world to love myself more so I can shower others unconditionally, I’ve turned the camera on myself. I struggle with the ideas of vanity around this project but more and more I realize it is about acceptance and love. One frame at a time I continue to open to all of me and when I want to judge myself… for example…my not so pretty feet, I remind myself of how they keep me standing, having carried me so many miles, danced on stage for years as a child, endured being blistered and bruised, to name a few things. I come to appreciate what I have.

There is always more to see once the image it out of the camera, and I continue to learn more about love through each picture. This weeks theme is Flare. I had some fun in my kitchen this evening!


Image: Blinding Heaven – My back is to this light. I’m reminded to turn towards the light, into the light, walk in the light. May I see all the light, all around me, all the time. Amen


Image: Painted Violet

Published by Keli Keach

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